What does a new pair of shoes mean to you?
New Shoes is the non-profit arm of CSG. New Shoes was inspired by a long-time colleague, mentor and close friend, Clarence Broussard, who was dedicated to working with the community to provide employment opportunities and educational growth. Clarence always told the story of how whenever someone he helped find a job wanted to thank him, he’d say that he did not want any thanks, but only wanted that when they got their first paycheck, was for them to buy their kids a new pair of shoes. This consistently produced a knowing smile.
Clarence grew up in the projects of Los Angeles, and for him, and the other kids in the community, getting a new pair of shoes was a big thing. It was an even bigger, more meaningful event for the parent making the purchase. For the breadwinner of the house, it meant being the provider they wanted to be for their family. It meant stature; it meant accomplishment; it meant doing for your family; it meant hope for the future.
It was with this background in mind that the PSA below for the 10WW project in Pasadena was produced. New Shoes will follow this core value in its mission to provide programs and opportunities to every community where we work.
Some Potential Mission Targets
- Educational
A focus on science and math
Scholarships to help minimize having to work while in college
Literacy – educational and financial
Early childhood development
- Economic Development
Single parents
Child care options
Adulting boot camp
Job search and interview support